If you love the old Ayu, who stood alone in the middle of a great stage to sing her beautiful songs to the world - songs
that were uspoiled by off-key backup singers and cheesy choreography - and you hate what Peko has done to tarnish Ayu's talent
and respectableness, then you've come to the right place!
Miwako "Peko" Hamada used to be Ayu's choreographer, hidden in the background. Now she stands beside Ayu as if her performances
are supposed to be a duet, never singing in key but always too loudly. Her quieter friend "Princess" Yoko is pretty much in
the background still and isn't half as offensive as Peko, so this hate-listing is not aimed at her. Peko is the one who is
bringing Ayu down, and that's enough reason to hate her.
If you think it isn't, then you should take a look at the "Why Hate Her" page. Then, if you're convinced, please sign
the hate-listing.